Friday, April 25, 2008

These little fairies are made over conversation and laughter...  they are kind of funny, little things and each fairy amazingly takes on a personality as it is being made. The fairies can be put in a bouquet or a plant, can be hung on a Christmas tree or dangled in a window to sparkle in the sunshine.  The proceeds from these fairies go to "World Vision", which is an amazing organization that helps children across the globe obtain things we take for granted such as clean water, bottles for starving babies, school and vaccines for children, fishing poles, or even just a teddy bear for a little girl or boy who has lost their family.  "World Vision" has a catalog you can order through their website that explains all the ways we can help these children not only with our financial gifts, but also our thoughts and prayers.

1 comment:

Julie Kieras said...

I have a fairy and I hang it in my car window - it's so cute and makes me feel happy and think of friends I love when I see it!!